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Why teambuilding is necessary for your team?

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    Why teambuilding is necessary for your team?

  • Is your Team efficiency?
  • Many Companies invest huge amount money to hire some outstanding people. However the smart group consists with these is not always successful. Hence, a Group with normal or weak people performs great work such as saving a country in a risk. As mentioned above a team capacity is not necessarily proportional to individual’s ability. Due to The Characteristic of organization as we are healthy when our each organs function properly in a harmonization, When a team works in perfect harmony, the team brings great performance. A tiny cancel cell Spread through the whole entire body. The negative attitude of a member collapses a healthy organization culture. The teambuilding is necessary to prevent organization ills and create a great team.
  • necessary for your team Checklist(DYER, 1995, 1987)
  • - Do All Team members understand and accept common goal and value in the group?
    - Dose each member have goal oriented and result-oriented attitude?
    - Do people fully understand their roles and takes and how to contribute with the organization?
    - Do members trust each other and manage conflictions due to group work?
    - Do members communicate clearly with open-mind?
    - Do member share information and data with member for collaboration?
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